
Free Running


21.09.2023 to 27.06.2024 weekly

  - Th: 19:15 to 20:45

Location Gymnasium school Türligarten, Chur
No training: Individual arrangement with Elias,
There is no training during the school vacations of the city of Chur.
Description Freerunning is a form of locomotion in urban environments. The goal is to get over
obstacles like benches, walls and scaffoldings in a playfully and acrobatically way. It is a
version of parkour (with a different purpose – the goal of parkour is an efficient locomotion
from Point A to Point B).

The basics of Parkour and Freerunning are taught, afterwards self-training can be carried
out or small challenges can be asked for those who want to participate. The training is
suitable for beginners and advanced.
Instructor Leitung: Jasmine Schuler, oder 079 388 64 23
Equipment Comfortable sports wear
Indoor shoes (no black soles are allowed)

Only for holders of the FHGR Sportabo and the personal Student Card or Identification Card.

List of Occurrences

From From Time To To Time

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